Friday 18 June 2010


I was going to complete a piece on 'Returnal' using the concept of a dialogue between a left channel speaker and a right channel speaker weighing up the merits of the music blasting out from their electrical pores. It started off as fun, got confusing and eventually gave me a headache. Too much ink. Now, sadly, I don't have the time to really examine this talented artist's latest work. I can say, a little blandly, that I like it quite a lot. There is a powerful tension at stake. Flickering, protruding splinters of noise holding back submersion into spiralling, hymnal harmony. Static in the cathedral. Disembodied echoes, traces unresolved. Over driven fractures, blue clusters on the mesmeric journey to the white-light zone. It's rather queasy, without an arc in sight, at once engaging and nauseous. I'm sure that the speakers would agree.