Tuesday 15 March 2011


When your a bit down at the mouth it's always a good idea to put on Room On Fire. What Ever Happened is medicinal, makes you wanna dance, makes you feel anything is possible. Is This It has maybe been overplayed, First Impressions Of Earth is slightly bloated, but Room On Fire is still pretty fun. That tight angularity, Casablancas' drop-dead 'doing you a favour' delivery, a sense of casual decadence. Today I've been playing Angles which follows on from Casablancas' underrated, 80's new-wave indebted Phrazes For The Young. There ain't many killer songs, though it sustains a playful spirit of glacial intrigue. Blondie here, sweet Jesus, Thin Lizzy there. Steve Miller baby. Chiselled, densely woven, fine-tuned, everything defined with upmost care. And there's an intimate, delicately structured ballad, Call Me Back, which fractures the ebullient mood. Outside my window I can see the early bloom of spring.