The book also benefits from the other integral players surrounding the Network. Sidney Lumet, the hard-working, equally strong-minded director who humanised Chayefsky's strident ideas in his knowledge of how to draw emotion from his actors. William Holden and Peter Finch, two booze-soaked, charismatic veteran actors who like Chayefsky were near the end of their lives. The Finchy wallet-pinching anecdote is a classic. Then there is Faye Dunaway with her self-absorbed, starry independence, asserting herself on and off screen in the old boys club. Tremendous detail.
Also, if you haven't read Eimear McBride's A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing, be prepared. Challenging, harrowing with some of the lean tone of Beckett.
Today I visited the Chris Marker retrospective at the Whitechapel Gallery. Humorous with it's cats, thought-provoking in it's balance of futurism and political examination, visually stunning.